Home Designer is the final project for my introduction to databases class, where we learned about database design, SQL, and normalization.

Project Overview

Home Designer is a webapp designed for a hypothetical interior design firm that specializes in decoration, remodel planning, and project management. The project was developed as part of an introduction to databases class, focusing on database design, SQL, and normalization. The application is designed to help employees, managers, and owners of the business keep a close eye on current projects, providing a single consolidated place to manage operations.


This project was a collaboration with my partner Liheng Yi. We focused on implementing both the frontend and backend, with the frontend development involving over 3000 lines of custom SCSS. The backend, utilizing Node and Express, interfaced with a MySQL database. This project provided a solid foundation in database management as well as practical experience in React and CSS.

Lessons Learned

Working on Home Designer significantly improved my skills in React, SCSS, and JavaScript. Additionally, it provided hands-on experience with database design and management, reinforcing theoretical knowledge with practical application. Collaborating with a partner also emphasized the importance of communication and teamwork in software development.

Future Improvements

In future iterations, I plan to address issues such as context menu overflow, improving mobile view, and enhancing the search functionality. Additionally, I aim to add authentication features to enhance security and user management capabilities.

Known Issues

  • Context Menu Overflow

    Sometimes causes overflow issues.

  • Mobile View

    Some elements are positioned incorrectly inside the table on mobile devices.

  • Search by Feature

    Displays the key instead of attribute in the search input.

  • Firefox Rendering

    Firefox doesn't render the table correctly.

The Team









VS Code



