Kuba Game is a Python-based implementation of the traditional board game Kuba. It features a 7x7 board, turn-based gameplay, and unique rules such as the KO rule.

Project Overview

Kuba Game follows the traditional rules of the Kuba board game. The game is played on a 7x7 board where players slide marbles to push their opponent's marbles off the board. The objective is to capture seven red marbles or eliminate all of the opponent's marbles.


The development process involved creating a Python program using Pygame for the graphical interface and handling the game logic within the KubaGame class. This project allowed me to enhance my understanding of object-oriented programming and game development concepts.

Challenges and Solutions

One of the main challenges was implementing the KO rule to prevent immediate repetition of moves. Another challenge was managing state updates in the game board to ensure consistent and accurate gameplay. These were addressed through careful design of the game logic and extensive testing.

Lessons Learned

This project taught me valuable lessons in game development, particularly in handling game state and implementing complex rules. I also improved my skills in Python and PyGame, and learned the importance of thorough testing and debugging.

Future Improvements

Future improvements include enhancing the graphical interface, adding sound effects for a more immersive experience, and refining the game logic to handle edge cases more effectively. Additionally, I plan to implement AI opponents for single-player gameplay.


  • Turn-Based Gameplay

  • KO Rule Implementation

  • Win Conditions

  • Graphical Interface







